charlotte area birth + motherhood photographer
Hi, I’m Anna!
charlotte area birth + motherhood photographer.
Wife to a handsome tech guy. Believer of Jesus. Mama to 5 sweet littles (3 of whom I’ll meet again in eternity). Milk maker. Sourdough lover. Birth + motherhood photographer. Let’s just say, I’ve got many a title.
I love birth. I love birthing. I love documenting birth.
Basically, I could talk about birth all day (just ask my husband… hehe sorry babe), so if you’re a birth junkie, too (or if you just love motherhood, babies, or a simple life)… let’s be friends!
the moment you’ve waited
for is finally here.
Labor can feel long, I get it, I’ve been there. It never feels like it “flies by” when you’re in it (especially during transition, am I right?), but that very first moment you meet your child truly goes by too quickly.
That first cry only lasts a few seconds,
that first latch may only last a few minutes,
your labor may only last a few hours,
and the newborn stage only lasts 8 weeks,
and then it’s over, a new season has started.
Memories fade, pictures in our mind get fuzzy, little details get overlooked.
Future you will thank present you for choosing to document this sweet, sweet journey. I promise.

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